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Housing queues in Västra Götaland

We have gathered both municipal and private housing queues, including student queues. All to increase your chances of getting a good home when you need it.


At Byggvesta you will find modern, environmentally friendly and pleasant rental properties and student apartments in Enerige's largest cities.Byggvesta is an innovator who develops, builds, manages and invests in new sustainable housing.



K2A was founded in 2013 and is a green housing company with a focus on long -term ownership and management of self -produced rental apartments.K2A develops and offers modern, surface-efficient and functional housing in Stockholm, Mälardalen and selected university and university places.



Wallenstam's residential properties are found mainly in Stockholm and Gothenburg, and commercial properties are concentrated in Gothenburg's inner city.Wallenstam's properties are located in good, attractive locations and have a good standard.



Alebyggen has housing that suits everyone.They are investing in developing the rental right and can offer alternatives that are traditionally not associated with living in rental rights.Aleggen's vision is to offer an attractive housing alternative adapted to each life situation for today's and tomorrow's tenants.



Kungälvsbostäder is Kungälv's largest hyreen host, they offer all types of homes.In and outside the city center, modern new buildings and old -fashioned charm, apartments and townhouses.Kungälvsbostäder's goal is to create a good accommodation for you and everyone else in Kungälv.


Robert Dicksons

Robert Dickson's Foundation is a private business foundation founded in 1856. The foundation will create opportunities for working people in the Gothenburg area, with ordinary or low incomes, to live with a good standard for reasonable rents.



Partillebo can offer you everything from ground apartments in semi -detached houses in the middle of nature to centrally located apartments in Partille center.Their goal is to create the absolute best housing environment, where both children and adults can enjoy and feel good based on their needs.


Chalmers Studentbostäder

Chalmers Student Housing manages student apartments with the goal that students should be able to live near campus.



The Gothenburg Student Housing Business concept Foundation is to offer appropriate and attractive housing to active students in Gothenburg.



Boplats is a housing agency for those looking for rental right within commuting distance to Gothenburg.As a housing agency, Boplats works with equal treatment and ensures that no one is discriminated against.All apartments are conveyed according to queue time.



Nivika acquires, builds and manages properties in Värnamo and the Jönköping area with tenants in focus



Skövdebostäder is Skövde's largest hyreen host with their more than 5800 homes.



Mark's residence is Mark's Municipality's largest housing company.They have about 3,700 apartments for rental for private individuals and to municipal care.



Stenungsundshem wants to offer the region's best accommodation.They manage 2000 accommodation in the municipality with proximity to the sea.



Mariehus AB is the municipal -owned housing company in Mariestad.Offers everything from the traditional accommodation in larger apartment buildings to smaller multi -family houses, townhouses and semi -detached houses with their own garden.



Stubo is Ulricehamn's own housing company and therefore has a special task and a special stenger: to contribute to community development and growth in the municipality.They do this by creating pleasant housing for their current and future tenants.It is both about improving and modernizing their current properties and building new.Today, Stubo has 1048 residential apartments in eight locations in the municipality.



Gladsheim is a real estate company focusing on rental housing.Gladsheim acquires, manages and refines rental housing in medium -sized people.Today, the company has properties in several locations that we have chosen to divide into two regions: Mälardalen and West.In Mälardalen we have properties in Eskilstuna, Norrköping, Karlskoga, Arboga and Kungsör and Köping.In the West region we have properties in Skövde, Skara, Tibro and Töreboda.



Tibro construction is a public utility housing company owned by Tibro municipality.With us everyone has the same opportunity for a pleasant home.Since 1965 we have worked to offer good rental housing for everyone - regardless of age, income and needs.


Vårgårda Bostäder

Vårgårda Housing is a municipal housing company that offers Vårgårda's residents a varied range of attractive rental apartments and premises for competitive rents


Tanums Bostäder

Tanum's housing is available for those who want to live in Tanum with high quality of life;Near the sea, coast and nature.Living in Tanum's housing housing should be perceived as a good quality accommodation, high service level and a safe living environment.Through a balanced expansion strategy, together with their owners, they will create the conditions for the municipality to grow.The apartment stock shall reflect different tenants' wishes and needs.


Lysekils Bostäder

Lysekil has a central location on the west coast, about 10 km to Gothenburg and 20 miles to Oslo.Through its projected location in Skagerack, Lysekil has all opportunities for swimming, sailing, scuba diving and fishing.The heat of the golf current gives short and mild winters.



Valbohem AB is the municipal housing company in Färgelanda municipality.Their vision is that Valbohem should be the attractive hyreener in Färgelanda that develops the residents of the future!They manage 611 apartments and about 5056 m2 premises in the municipality's urban areas of Färgelanda, Högsäter, Ödeborg, Stigen and Ellenö.


Sotenäs Bostäder

Sotenäsbostäder AB is a public utility housing company, which is 100% owned by Sotenäs municipality.They own and manage 1.205 apartments, 62 premises and 419 garages/carports.They have apartments in Kungshamn, Smögen, Väjern, Hunnebostrand, Bovallstrand, Hovenäset and at Bohus Malmön.


Götene Bostäder

The company has to the main object of its operations that Enara for housing supply within the Municipality of Götene as well as to acquire, dispose of, own, build and manage properties or plot rights with housing, business apartments and associated collective devices.AB Götenebostäder will long -term own and manage housing and premises according to business principles and offer customers a secure accommodation with high quality.



Bengtsforshus AB is the municipal housing company in Bengtsfors municipality.They are a member of Enerige's public benefit, which is an industry and interest organization for public housing companies across the country.Bengtsforshus manages about 850 apartments in five locations.


Tjörns Bostäder

Tjörns Bostads AB is a municipal real estate company and is owned by the municipality.The company was founded in 1977, but was converted from a foundation to a limited company in 1996.


Karlsborgs Bostäder

AB Karlsborgsbostäder was founded in 1994 and is owned by Karlsborg Municipality.The company manages and rents out housing/properties in all the municipality's urban areas



Munkedals Bostäder Munkbo AB, the municipal housing company in Munkedal municipality.



ÅKAB is a real estate company in Åmål municipality. They have apartments and premises for all needs.They have about 1100 homes and about 71,000 m2 premises.They can offer everything from residents in the middle of central Åmål to more rural environment such as Tösse, Fengersfors, Ånimskog and Edsleskog.


Botrygg Bostadskö

Botrygg housing queue is a private construction and real estate company that focuses on rental and condominiums as well as community properties.Botrygg also supports the local culture.They think it is important to highlight the culture in society.



AB Edethus is an expanding real estate company with the primary mission of being a community builder in the service of the municipality. We own and manage premises for municipal activities, industrial premises, land for development, as well as residential properties.



J. Wennergren Byggnadsaktiebolag was established in 1937 as a local traditional construction company with main operations in Eastern Skaraborg.


Vänersborgs bostäder

As one of Sweden's municipal housing companies, Vänersborgsbostäder is part of the Swedish public housing sector. Their mission is to offer high-quality rental housing for everyone with the opportunity for resident influence, regardless of income, origin, age, or household type.



With over 6,200 rental apartments throughout Trollhättan, Eidar offers accommodations to suit every taste.



Förbo is a housing company providing excellent service and developing rental housing. What sets them apart is their unique concept of 'Personal Homes,' where residents can personalize their living spaces according to their preferences. Whether you live in one of their multi-family areas or townhouse communities, you can rent a home with your own patio or garden.


Bostäder Lidköping

AB Bostäder Lidköping owns and manages approximately 2600 apartments, 100 premises, and numerous garages and parking spaces. Their apartments are primarily located in Lidköping urban area but also in the smaller towns of Vinninga, Saleby, Järpås, Gillstad, Örslösa, Tolsjö, and Tun.



Fortinova acquires, develops, and manages residential properties in some of western Sweden's most attractive places to live, work, and thrive.



Uddevallahem is the leading housing provider in Uddevalla with over 9,000 tenants. They strive for sustainability and quality in both working environments and housing, while actively working for community development and everyone's right to their own housing.


Hyresbostäder Falköping

Falköpings Hyresbostäder AB is the housing company owned by Falköping residents through the municipality. With 2000 apartments of various sizes and price ranges, from older to newly built with full accessibility, they offer diverse housing options. They are members of Sveriges Allmännytta and HBV for environmental awareness and procurement agreements. With 30 employees, they emphasize good service from their various areas and centrally located office.


Studentbostäder i Norden

SBS offers high -quality price housing housing throughout the Nordic region with over 15 cities in Enerige and Norway & Denmark.Their ambition is to become the Nordic region's leading student housing company and the given choice for students on their way to their dream profession.

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  • 111 36 Stockholm
  • Org. nr. 559286–3251
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