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Housing queues in Stockholm

We have gathered both municipal and private housing queues, including student queues. All to increase your chances of getting a good home when you need it.

Ekerö Bostäder

The largest hyenary in scenic Ekerö municipality.With 9000 rental properties, they work actively to be a responsive hypenter who contributes to a safe, friendly and welcoming society.



Eneafander's rental rights are sustainable and functional efficient, with low housing costs and satisfied tenants.Today, Eneafastigheter builds rental properties in 26 different projects around the country.The ambition is to complete 500 apartments annually


Tyresö bostäder

Every sixth Tyresöbo is a tenant at Tybo.Some live in townhouses, others in multi -family houses and almost everyone has a balcony or their own patio.Tyresö has large outdoor areas and fine nature reserves with national interesting flora and fauna, proximity to the sea and lakes.


Telge Bostäder

Södertälje's largest housing company, since 1948, Telge AB offers accommodation in attractive, safe and vibrant districts in innovative and international Södertälje municipality.The housing is located in Södertälje, Järna, Mölnbo, Hölö and Enhörna.Student and short-term apartments are also available.As a student on Campus Telge or KTH Södertälje you have priority in the queue.Here you also queue for parking spaces.



Nynäshamn, a city surrounded by beautiful nature and archipelago.Only 40 minutes from Stockholm.The city's city for all people, regardless of dreams and situation.



Nykvarnsbostäder's ambition is to be an attractive housing alternative through openness, care and business.Their goal is to offer you a safe accommodation in Nykvarn with a high level of service.


Haninge Bostäder

Haninge Bostäder owns and manages properties from Utö and Dalarö in the south to Vendelsö in the north.The municipality is located right on the sea, which gives the local residents a safe and pleasant living environment.


Einar Mattsson

Einar Mattson is keen that the tenants enjoy their accommodation and feel respected and safe.When they convey their apartments, they make an overall assessment based on purchase points, finances and references.



At Byggvesta you will find modern, environmentally friendly and pleasant rental properties and student apartments in Enerige's largest cities.Byggvesta is an innovator who develops, builds, manages and invests in new sustainable housing.



With the vision 'a world for all', Väsbyhem's business concept is based on building and managing a varied range of housing and ensuring customer satisfaction through positive response and responsiveness to the customer's needs.


Armada Fastighets

Armada Bostäder AB has about 1500 apartments, most located centrally in Åkersberga and on Åkers canal, but also in the countryside such as Roslag's Kulla and Ljusterö.



Develops the rental right into an attractive form of housing for everyone.At present, this queue holds 5100 rental apartments and it is also being built new.



Develops the rental right into an attractive form of housing for everyone.At present, this queue holds 5100 rental apartments and it is also being built new.



K2A was founded in 2013 and is a green housing company with a focus on long -term ownership and management of self -produced rental apartments.K2A develops and offers modern, surface-efficient and functional housing in Stockholm, Mälardalen and selected university and university places.



Wallenstam's residential properties are found mainly in Stockholm and Gothenburg, and commercial properties are concentrated in Gothenburg's inner city.Wallenstam's properties are located in good, attractive locations and have a good standard.


Harry Berglund

Harry Berglund Förvaltnings AB is a real estate company that owns and manages residential properties and commercial premises with love, care and quality.Most importantly, their tenants are safe and thrive.



The Kungenån owns, manages and develops properties.The king's goal is to both erect and manage properties with maximum durability and minimal environmental impact.Their focus is on people's need for quality of life, good health and housekeeping with resources.


Hässelby Hem

In the long term, Hässelby home wants to manage and develop properties and areas in Hässelby.Their vision is to give tenants a qualitative accommodation in well -maintained houses.


K2A - Student

K2A was founded in 2013 and is a green housing company with a focus on long -term ownership and management of self -produced rental apartments.K2A develops and offers modern, surface-efficient and functional housing in Stockholm, Mälardalen and selected university and university places.



Heba is a long -term and experienced property owner who develops, owns and manages housing and community properties in the Stockholm region and Mälardalen.Through their knowledge and commitment, they offer sustainable and safe accommodation to thrive in the various phases of life.They create value for owners and society through satisfied tenants, safer and more attractive residential areas and trusting partnerships.


M2 Gruppen

The M2 group owns, manages and develops housing and commercial properties in Enerige. They strive to be a long -term owner and their ambition is to manage their properties well and efficiently to maximum customer benefit.With their own staff at each town, they are always close to their tenants.


Botrygg Bostadskö

Botrygg housing queue is a private construction and real estate company that focuses on rental and condominiums as well as community properties.Botrygg also supports the local culture.They think it is important to highlight the culture in society.


Roslags bostäder

Roslagsbostäder offers quality housing and a good living environment. With over 2,000 apartments, Roslagsbostäder is by far the largest landlord in Norrtälje municipality.


Järfälla Hus

Järfällahus owns and manages over 5,600 apartments and 4,500 parking spaces, as well as approximately 58,000 square meters of commercial premises in Järfälla municipality.


Studentbostäder i Norden

SBS offers high -quality price housing housing throughout the Nordic region with over 15 cities in Enerige and Norway & Denmark.Their ambition is to become the Nordic region's leading student housing company and the given choice for students on their way to their dream profession.

Supported By:

  • OptiQueue Nordics AB
  • Drottninggatan 78
  • 111 36 Stockholm
  • Org. nr. 559286–3251

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