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balcony on an apartment building

Housing queues in Lund

We have gathered both municipal and private housing queues, including student queues. All to increase your chances of getting a good home when you need it.


K2A was founded in 2013 and is a green housing company with a focus on long -term ownership and management of self -produced rental apartments.K2A develops and offers modern, surface-efficient and functional housing in Stockholm, Mälardalen and selected university and university places.



Stadsbostäder conveys vacant rental housing in several municipalities and their vision is to be the obvious choice for both housing applicants and hygains throughout Skåne



LKF is a municipal company with the main task of offering Lundaborna qualitative housing at a reasonable cost.


K2A - Student

K2A was founded in 2013 and is a green housing company with a focus on long -term ownership and management of self -produced rental apartments.K2A develops and offers modern, surface-efficient and functional housing in Stockholm, Mälardalen and selected university and university places.


Leny Fastigheter

LENY Fastighets AB, originally Lennart Nyström Byggnads AB, has been active in Skåne since the 1960s. They manage 1327 apartments and 109 premises with over 50 years of experience.


Studentbostäder i Norden

SBS offers high -quality price housing housing throughout the Nordic region with over 15 cities in Enerige and Norway & Denmark.Their ambition is to become the Nordic region's leading student housing company and the given choice for students on their way to their dream profession.

Supported By:

  • OptiQueue Nordics AB
  • Drottninggatan 78
  • 111 36 Stockholm
  • Org. nr. 559286–3251

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