Why is a queue inactive?

A queue can be inactive for various reasons. Here are some common causes and what you can do to reactivate them:

Already registered
If the registration failed because you already have an account in the housing queue, you need to log in and change the password to the one provided by Dibz. Follow the instructions on the "My Pages" section of the specific queue's website to give Dibz access to your account and allow us to manage the queue updates.

Password changed
If you have changed your password, the connection to Dibz has been lost. To restore the connection, revert to the correct password and notify us once this is done. Follow the instructions on the "My Pages" section of the queue's website, and we can resume updating your queue spot.

System change
Sometimes, housing queues undergo system changes and require you to manually reactivate your account. Follow the instructions on the "My Pages" section of the specific queue's website to grant Dibz access again and resume updates.

You may have been removed from the queue if you do not meet specific requirements for the housing queue or if Dibz no longer supports the maintenance of that particular queue.

If you encounter any other issues or are unable to reactivate your queues, contact us at hello@dibz.se.

Do you have any questions? Contact us in the chat, and we will assist you there!


Supported By:

  • OptiQueue Nordics AB
  • Drottninggatan 78
  • 111 36 Stockholm
  • Org. nr. 559286–3251
  • hello@dibz.se

All rights reserved. © OptiQueue Nordics AB