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Housing queues in Jönköping

We have gathered both municipal and private housing queues, including student queues. All to increase your chances of getting a good home when you need it.


K2A was founded in 2013 and is a green housing company with a focus on long -term ownership and management of self -produced rental apartments.K2A develops and offers modern, surface-efficient and functional housing in Stockholm, Mälardalen and selected university and university places.



Move to Bost!They offer a wide selection of rental housing with, among other things, pair and townhouses on ground floor.Central or in rural location in some 30 locations in western Enerige.Bost's business is to own and manage properties with a focus on both housing and commercial premises in the long term, in particular, especially Western Enerige.


Studentbostad Jönköping

Student housing Jönköping offers student apartments for students at the city university.



Nivika acquires, builds and manages properties in Värnamo and the Jönköping area with tenants in focus



Vätterhem is the largest housing company in Jönköping municipality and is home to almost 19,000 of the municipality's residents.



Finnvedsbostäder is Värnamo's largest hyarna with resources and the desire to arrange a good accommodation for you.



Eksjöbostäder owns approximately 1200 rental properties and strives to help develop a safe and authorized municipality.



Gislavedshus offers great variety in their housing offerings, everything from semi -detached houses to high -rise buildings in different environments - with the entire range from centrally in a larger place to village feeling in the country.



Vaggeryd - Skillingaryds Bostads AB - VSBO - is a public housing company owned by Vaggeryd municipality.VSBO owns and manages 1,149 residential apartments and a number of premises in the municipality of Vaggeryd, mainly in the urban areas of Vaggeryd and Skillingaryd but also in Hok and Klevshult.



Klara Bo is a real estate company that acquires, uploads, owns and manages attractive housing.The company was founded in 2017 and acts across the country.The strategy is to acquire existing residential properties in growth regions as well as land for new production.Their newly -produced housing is self -developed and surface ground, which contributes to reasonable rents.Both apartments and the design of the houses are designed according to local needs in collaboration with the municipality.New production maintains high durability standards, as construction is mainly done in wood.Klarabo is a long -term property owner.



Gladsheim is a real estate company focusing on rental housing.Gladsheim acquires, manages and refines rental housing in medium -sized people.Today, the company has properties in several locations that we have chosen to divide into two regions: Mälardalen and West.In Mälardalen we have properties in Eskilstuna, Norrköping, Karlskoga, Arboga and Kungsör and Köping.In the West region we have properties in Skövde, Skara, Tibro and Töreboda.


M2 Gruppen

The M2 group owns, manages and develops housing and commercial properties in Enerige. They strive to be a long -term owner and their ambition is to manage their properties well and efficiently to maximum customer benefit.With their own staff at each town, they are always close to their tenants.



Fastighets AB Linden is the municipal property company owned by Nässjö Municipality. The company was established in 1941, giving them extensive experience as landlords. They stand for non-speculative housing and their mission is to provide the residents of Nässjö with comfortable rental apartments at competitive prices. Linden owns approximately 1,750 apartments in Nässjö, including 56 in Bodafors, as well as a number of commercial spaces.


Habo bostad

Habo Bostäder is a municipally-owned housing company in Habo Municipality. Founded in 1953, they have since played a crucial role in securing housing supply in the municipality. With them, you'll find sustainable and affordable housing for all needs and preferences.


Studentbostäder i Norden

SBS offers high -quality price housing housing throughout the Nordic region with over 15 cities in Enerige and Norway & Denmark.Their ambition is to become the Nordic region's leading student housing company and the given choice for students on their way to their dream profession.

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  • OptiQueue Nordics AB
  • Drottninggatan 78
  • 111 36 Stockholm
  • Org. nr. 559286–3251
  • hello@dibz.se

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