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balcony on an apartment building

Housing queues in Jämtland

We have gathered both municipal and private housing queues, including student queues. All to increase your chances of getting a good home when you need it.


With the vision of creating the homesickness, Östersundshem offers housing adapted to all people, at the different stages of life.



Klara Bo is a real estate company that acquires, uploads, owns and manages attractive housing.The company was founded in 2017 and acts across the country.The strategy is to acquire existing residential properties in growth regions as well as land for new production.Their newly -produced housing is self -developed and surface ground, which contributes to reasonable rents.Both apartments and the design of the houses are designed according to local needs in collaboration with the municipality.New production maintains high durability standards, as construction is mainly done in wood.Klarabo is a long -term property owner.



Årehus AB is a real estate company owned by Åre municipality.The purpose of the company is to meet the need for good rental apartments, schools, preschools, care facilities, fire stations, store and industrial premises and good housing services to their tenants.


Strömsunds Hyresbostäder

Strömsund's rental housing is a wholly owned municipal housing company.They offer apartments and premises in all the municipality's urban areas.The company has 16 employees, the head office is located in Strömsund



Härjegårdar Fastighets AB is a real estate company owned by 100 % by Härjedalen municipality.Their business concept is to offer good housing, premises and service with high quality to market conditions.



At Bergfast Housing and premises, they are about 20 employees who manage 447 apartments, 123 service apartments, 24 public premises (schools, preschools and healthcare institutions) and 29 commercial premises (offices, industrial and business premises).In total, they manage 31,633 sqm of living space and 67,675 sqm of premises within Bergs municipality.



Krokomsbostäder is the largest landlord in the Municipality of Krokom, offering a diverse range of residences and premises in various parts of the municipality, available in different sizes and price ranges.

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  • OptiQueue Nordics AB
  • Drottninggatan 78
  • 111 36 Stockholm
  • Org. nr. 559286–3251
  • hello@dibz.se

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