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Housing queues in Gävleborg

We have gathered both municipal and private housing queues, including student queues. All to increase your chances of getting a good home when you need it.


K2A was founded in 2013 and is a green housing company with a focus on long -term ownership and management of self -produced rental apartments.K2A develops and offers modern, surface-efficient and functional housing in Stockholm, Mälardalen and selected university and university places.



Sandvikenhus offers attractive and safe housing with high service around the city.


Bollnäs Bostäder

Bollnäs Housing today has about 8000 tenants and has a vision of being the natural first man.



Hudikellsbostäder thinks that good accommodation is so much more than just the apartment.They exist for their tenants all the way.



Gävlegården has thousands of apartments in Gävle and protects to create a safe environment for all tenants.


K2A - Student

K2A was founded in 2013 and is a green housing company with a focus on long -term ownership and management of self -produced rental apartments.K2A develops and offers modern, surface-efficient and functional housing in Stockholm, Mälardalen and selected university and university places.



Klara Bo is a real estate company that acquires, uploads, owns and manages attractive housing.The company was founded in 2017 and acts across the country.The strategy is to acquire existing residential properties in growth regions as well as land for new production.Their newly -produced housing is self -developed and surface ground, which contributes to reasonable rents.Both apartments and the design of the houses are designed according to local needs in collaboration with the municipality.New production maintains high durability standards, as construction is mainly done in wood.Klarabo is a long -term property owner.


M2 Gruppen

The M2 group owns, manages and develops housing and commercial properties in Enerige. They strive to be a long -term owner and their ambition is to manage their properties well and efficiently to maximum customer benefit.With their own staff at each town, they are always close to their tenants.


Ljusdalshem AB

AB Ljusdalshem is a municipal housing company and wholly owned by Ljusdal municipality.The company was founded in 1947 and was transformed into limited companies 50 years later, 1997. They own and manage approximately 2,121 apartments and 147 premises distributed in three locations.


Nordanstigs Bostäder

Nordanstig Municipality is located in northern Hälsingland between Hudikeall and Soundall.The municipality can offer a nice living environment.There is good and cheap accommodation and opportunities for a rich life in harmony with nature.Cultural and associations are extensive and leisure offers everything from sea bath to alpine skiing in Hasselabackarna.In Nordanstig there is about 9,800 inhabitants.



Alfta-Edsbyns Fastighets AB (Aefab) is a wholly owned real estate company owned by Ovanåkers municipality.The company currently has a total of 1566 apartments, of which 623 are located in Alfta and 943 are located in Edsbyn.



Hoforshus AB is a public utility housing company with today about 1,000 homes.



Faxeholmen is a public housing company owned by the municipality of Söderhamn. Today, they have over 3000 residences across the municipality and are the largest player in the housing market in Söderhamn.

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  • OptiQueue Nordics AB
  • Drottninggatan 78
  • 111 36 Stockholm
  • Org. nr. 559286–3251
  • hello@dibz.se

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