16 november 2023

3 min

Innovation tackles the challenges - Sveafastigheter Bostad

Digitization is an enabler for sustainability, innovation and to develop housing that people feel comfortable in and feel safe in. Social sustainability and using their housing as a tool for social inclusion are important aspects.

Lovisa Qvarner



Social inclusion with collective housing

A mixture of tenancy forms, housing forms and apartment sizes is a component in the work with social inclusion. Measures such as surface-efficient floor plans and collective housing are being heavily invested in.

A group that is often forgotten when it comes to the housing shortage and an inclusive society are seniors, Sveafastigheter has initiated a concept where people who are 65 years or older can live in a flexible and climate-smart housing with community in focus. Shared social activities tackle loneliness. The building has an architecture that promotes meetings and community and a full-time security host is on site to arrange social activities and to help with home repairs in the tenants' own apartments.

These collective houses are not only for seniors but also for families with children, students and all of us. In addition to fully equipped apartments, there are common areas that give the residents a social area that can be used for co-working or homework.

Apartment building - Sveafastigheter

Good digital support creates a more sustainable way of working with shorter administrative processes, so that we can have more time and resources to meet our customers and their expectations.

- Harry McNeil, Head of Sustainability, Sveafastigheter

Digitization increases efficiency and standards

Sveafastigheter has invested in an app to simplify the tenants' everyday lives. The app brings together the tenant's services connected to the accommodation, the app also enables greater influence and influence over their accommodation and gives residents an effective communication route to their landlord. For example, information that a maths cottage for young people is taking place in the common room can be provided.

There are many ideas and initiatives at Sveafastigheter when it comes to social sustainability. New housing concepts, digitized communication and an infrastructure for inclusion are the way the work is expressed today. We at dibz look forward to following Sveafastigheter's work and together finding the way to a modern and socially sustainable housing market.

Here you can read more about Sveafastigheter's sustainability work.

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Supported By:

  • OptiQueue Nordics AB
  • Drottninggatan 78
  • 111 36 Stockholm
  • Org. nr. 559286–3251
  • hello@dibz.se

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