26 februari 2024

7 min

The Guide to First-Hand Contracts and Housing Queues in Sweden

A deep dive into the world of first-hand contracts and housing queues, with tips and advice on how to climb to the top of the list.

Richard Valleryd



What is a First-Hand Contract?

A first-hand contract means you rent your home directly from the property owner, which gives you greater security and often a longer lease. In Sweden, the demand for such contracts is high, making them difficult to obtain. But with the right strategy and patience, it's not impossible.

How Do Housing Queues Work?

In many Swedish cities, first-hand contracts are allocated based on time in the housing queue. Therefore, registering in a housing queue as early as possible is critical. Dibz.se offers a service that automates the process of managing your place in housing queues, saving both time and effort.

Tips for Climbing the Housing Queue

To maximize your chances in the housing queue, you should register in multiple queues, be flexible about where you are willing to live, and actively look for available apartments. Additionally, services like Dibz can help you keep track of available apartments and automatically apply for those that match your preferences and needs.

What to Consider When Applying for a First-Hand Contract

When applying for a first-hand contract, it's important to have all your documents in order and be ready to act quickly when an apartment becomes available. This means having an updated housing CV, references from previous landlords, and a stable income.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Many make the mistake of only focusing on one city or a specific area. By expanding your options, you can increase your chances of finding a first-hand contract. Ignoring less attractive apartments or areas can also be a mistake, as these can offer quicker paths to a first-hand contract.


Securing a first-hand contract in Sweden can be a challenge, but with the right attitude and tools, it is possible. By registering in housing queues early, being flexible, and using services like Dibz to automate the process, you can significantly improve your chances. Remember to always be ready to act quickly and have your documents in order to maximize your opportunities.

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35 SEK per month

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Supported By:

  • OptiQueue Nordics AB
  • Drottninggatan 78
  • 111 36 Stockholm
  • Org. nr. 559286–3251
  • hello@dibz.se

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