Publication date: 12 maj, 2022


Dear User,

The privacy policy applies to services and products provided on ("the Services"), offered by OptiQueue Nordics AB, corporate ID 559286–3251, located at Grev Turegatan 75, 114 38, Stockholm, Sweden ("we" or "us"). The Services involve you providing us with personal data, which we then share with third parties of your choice. This means that these third parties, acting as data controllers, will process your personal data in accordance with their current privacy policies.

Your privacy is important to us. Under the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 ("GDPR"), we are responsible for the processing of personal data when we determine the purposes and means of the processing. "Personal data" refers to information that can be directly or indirectly linked to a living individual, processed within the scope of the Services.

This document contains information about our collection, use, and processing of personal data, parties we may share personal data with, and your rights concerning your personal data. When you use the Services, we will process personal data for various purposes as detailed below.

1. PROCESSED PERSONAL DATA We collect and use the following types of personal data to provide the Services and for the purposes stated below: (a) Name; (b) Email address; (c) Phone number; (d) Billing address; (e) Personal identification number; (f) Password; (g) Username; (h) School; (i) Income; (j) Type of income; (k) Possible employer and contact information of such employer; (l) Possible membership in tenant associations and contact information of such associations; (m) Current and desired housing type; and (n) Number of children in the household. (o) Desired rent (p) Number of desired rooms Please note that we cannot provide the Services or parts of them without processing the above personal data. When you use the Services, certain information will be automatically collected by us, including: (a) Information about your use of the Services; (b) Information provided when contacting our customer service; (c) Content you post, upload, and/or contribute to the Services; and (d) Technical data, which may include the URL you were on when you navigated to the website, your IP address, unique device ID, network and computer performance, browser type, language, and operating system identification information.

2. PURPOSES OF PROCESSING AND LEGAL BASIS We will process the information above for the following purposes: (a) Name, email address, phone number, billing address, personal identification number, password, and username for account administration, ensuring provision of the Services and integration with third-party services, and otherwise providing the Services in accordance with the user terms. Processing of personal data for this purpose is based on the necessity of fulfilling our contract with you; (b) The personal data in point a above as well as income, type of income, information to potential employer and tenant association, current and desired housing type, number of children in the household, desired rent, number of desired rooms, and the number of queue days for each queue system to administer your registration to desired queue providers and regularly log in and update your information. Processing of personal data for this purpose is based on the necessity of fulfilling our contract with you; (c) Name, email address, and phone number to send you notifications and messages via email and SMS, including sending you marketing of our and related third parties' products and services, based on our legitimate interest in sending marketing material to you about products and services that may interest you, and to inform you about our updates of the Services and user terms, based on our legitimate interest in keeping you updated about the development of the Services (such as new features) and the terms you have agreed to by using the Services; (d) Information about your use of the Services, information stated when contacting customer service, and content you post, upload, and/or contribute to the Services to personalize and improve your experience of the services, based on our legitimate interest in providing you with a customized experience tailored to your preferences. (e) Information about your use of the Services and other technical data to ensure the technical functionality of the Services (to fulfill our contract with you) and to prevent the use of the Services in violation of the user terms, based on our legitimate interest in ensuring that our Services are not misused and to protect ourselves and our other users; (f) Information about your use of the Services to enforce the user terms, including protecting our rights, property, and safety and, if necessary, also third parties' rights, property, and safety based on our legitimate interest in protecting our company, our Service users, and third parties; and (g) to fulfill obligations under law, based on our obligation to comply with applicable laws and regulations. For processing of personal data based on our legitimate interest, we have balanced the importance of our legitimate interest and what the personal data processing means for your interests and your right to privacy, and concluded that our legitimate interest can be exercised without an intrusion into your right to privacy

Effective date: 12 juni, 2022

Supported By:

  • OptiQueue Nordics AB
  • Drottninggatan 78
  • 111 36 Stockholm
  • Org. nr. 559286–3251

All rights reserved. © OptiQueue Nordics AB